Members were welcomed to the meeting by Chairman, Keith Parker, and then handed over to Joe Wallis, Hon Vice President, to Chair the meeting. Joe thanked everyone for coming.
1 Apologies: Steve Fry, (every month as other commitment), Alan Burgess, Sandra Chappell and Valerie Luscombe.
2 Minutes of last AGM, held on 5 September 2011, were agreed and signed.
3 Correspondence: none.
4 Chairman’s Report: The Chairman thanked the committee members for their support over the previous year.
5 Secretary’s Report: There was no Secretary’s Report.
6 Treasurer’s Report: The Financial Statement was distributed and questions were invited. The Treasurer announced that there had been a surplus of £283.88 for the year, the main expenses being water, stationery and postage and maintenance of sites. A new lawn mower had been purchased for Derrell Road. The figures for the chicken pellets were queried – 2 bags had gone missing, hence the net loss (cost £422.40 – income: £405.10)
At present there was £21.51 in the Current Account, £2,961.54 in the Deposit Account and £5.47 in Petty Cash. Proposed: May Burgess, Seconded: Colin Waymouth and Agreed to adopt the Report.
7 Motions and Proposals: the secretary handed the chairman an email from Stephen Fry re: Tor2 taking over the PHGAS sites. After general discussion it was agreed that this was something that should be referred to the management committee. I was thought that PHGAS had taken over the sites in 2009 and further discussions/investigations on this were required.
8 National Allotment Affiliations: Proposed Christine Guiver, Seconded Alan Smith and agreed that the Club continues to be affiliated to the National Allotment Affiliation and the AGC.
9 Election of Officers:
(a) Chairman: Keith Parker. Proposed, no objections: Agreed.
(b) Vice Chairman: Alan Smith. Proposed, no objections: Agreed.
(c) Secretary: Flis Cotton. Proposed, no objections: Agreed.
(d) Treasurer: Jane Parker. Proposed, no objections: Agreed.
(e) Web Master: Neil Shaw, Proposed, no objections: Agreed.
(f) Wildlife Officer: no proposals.
(g) Fundraising Officer and Social Co-ordinator: no proposals.
(h) Site Reps: Lower Penns: Christine Guiver, Philip Moore (+ !);
Derrell Road: Alan Burgess, May Burgess, Charlie Jarvis.
Oakleigh: Gary Buckingham, Ann Ashton, Pat Marriott.
10 Representatives on Other Organisations: (1) Nat Veg Society: Alan Burgess, May Burgess and Joe Wallis. Proposed and agreed.
11 Closing Comments and Forthcoming Events:
12 Any Other Business:
(a) Details were provided for various events and societies which may be of interest to PHGAS members:
(i) Saturday 23 Feb – Pennard Plants Potato Day at St Martins Hall, Barton, Torquay between 10-2.
(ii) Newly formed Torbay Organic Gardening Society: meetings held 3rd Wednesday in every month @ St Matthias, Wellswood, Torquay 7.30pm. Membership £12 single, £20 joint. October meeting will be a special lecture by Dowling – ‘No-Dig Growing’ – attendance £4.50.
(iii)Torbay Horticultural Society – meetings held every other Wednesday between September and April @ Livermead House Hotel – 7.30 to 9pm. Annual subs £15 – coach trips, social events, competitions, xmas buffet and winter lunch. Guest speakers:
10 Oct – Unusual Shrubs and Climbers (@ Livermead Cliff Hotel); Chris Britton – Kenton Nursery
24 Oct – Planning and planting flowers for continuous colour –(£5 visitors). Toby Buckland.
7 Nov: Bulbs for all seasons – Mark Walsh, Trecanna Nursery.
21 Nov: Christmas Floral Decorations, Sarah Pepper, Darts Farm.
(b) Agreed Joe Wallis to book RAOB Club for the first Monday in every month for the following year.
13 Date of the next Annual General Meeting: Monday 7 October 2013 at 7.30pm at the ROAB Club.
14 Date of next Committee Meeting: Monday 5 November 2012 at 7.30pm at the ROAB Club.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm.