The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Gary Buckingham, Jacqueline Green
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- Derrell Road now has a single padlock on the gate and all plotholders have keys.
- Chicken pellets/top dressing have been delivered and will be distributed across the sites. Please see your site rep if you want any.
- Christine Guiver has been in touch with the Council about the trees on the Lower Penns site. She will continue to chase them for the work to be finished.
4. Correspondence:
- None.
5. Chairman's Report:
- Chairman reported that we ought to start thinking about organising this year’s vegetable show. Joe Wallis agreed to judge exhibits again and also to judge plots. He would check his diary for dates of other events and let us know his availability so that a date could be set.
- Secretary agreed to draw up a new list of committee members for the current year, for each site.
- The question of bonfires was raised again. The Society has historically agreed with Torbay Council summer and winter windows for having bonfires, however, all plotholders on all sites must be aware that if smoke from bonfire drifts over the neighbouring houses AT ANY TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT and causes a nuisance, then the Council may take legal action against the Society. Please could all plotholders be especially vigilant when having a bonfire and be ready to extinguish it immediately if necessary.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Secretary agreed to keep chasing the plotholder on 35b Oakleigh for contract.
- A skip may be required to clear the rubbish from the Oakleigh site.
- Secretary is to write again to plotholder on 13 to confirm that lease has been terminated.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Current account: £723.98
- Deposit account: £2,820.04
- Rents received to date: £2,227.00
- Cheques:
- 100238 SW Water £10.36
- 100239 Toilet rolls £3.52
- 100240 Water Derrell Road £230.25
- 100242 Chicken Pellets £657.36
- Cash Keith Parker – sawdust for Oakleigh Loo £4.00
8. Sites:
Derrell Road
- Beware the sloping path. Plotholder has reported concerns that there may be an accident. (Since the meeting, there has been an accident).
Lower Penns
- Some plotholders are digging their plots higher up and encroaching on to the path. This would of course be dangerous if cars were brought on to the site. Please could plotholders keep to the proper boundaries.
- 13 – Plotholder has been seen at the site once and it was presumed that he was clearing items as his lease had been terminated by the Society. Plotholder is to be reminded that the lease has been terminated.
9. AOB:
- None.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- To be held on Tuesday 3 May 2016 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8.15pm.