Present: Keith Parker, Jane Parker, Flis Cotton, Liz Barnes, Gary Buckingham, Alan Smith, Jacqueline Green, Kay Mason, Joe Wallis, Phillip Moore, Pat & Steve Marriott
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Colin Weymouth, Christine Guiver, Pat Messenger
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
DR – Plotholder on 16a was happy to number posts for the rest of the DR site and work had already started on this. It was agreed that the Chairman is to buy the equipment necessary to ‘brand’ the numbers on the posts in order to do the other sites as well. Estimated cost of £40 ish.
O – shed will be delivered on Thursday 8/5
4. Correspondence
See chairman’s report below
5. Chairman’s Report
· Chairman had received an email from David Charles – an author, regarding the PHGAS website. Mr Charles appeared to want to create an article for the site in return for putting a hyperlink on the site. Chairman said he was not exactly sure of what was required and sec was asked to liaise with Neil Shaw as to what it was about and what would be required.
· Sec was asked to contact Webmaster to ask that the website be brought up to date as it was pointed out that minutes were not being posted each month.
· Chairman had been contacted by Pinnacle re: having unemployed labour at the site. It was agreed that it was a huge commitment as they needed supervision/directions etc. Vice Chairman had given up his time last year but said it was too time-consuming to commit again this year. Chairman agreed to return to Pinnacle and decline to assist.
· NAS problems as reported last month were ongoing and it was thought that litigation would commence soon.
6 Vice Chairman’s Report
· Shed for Oakleigh being delivered on Thursday 8/5. The ramp needs to be thought through and additional wood and boarding had been ordered for noticeboard etc.
7 Treasurer’s Report
· Current Account £1729.77
· Deposit Account £2143.77
· Cheques: 2 – (1) Tobys Sheds - £986, (2) Jewson – toilet fittings £150, cash to chairman for strimmer fuel £6.35
· Fees received: £3120.80
8 Sites.
Committee discussed outstanding rents across the sites. The 40 days allowed by the constitution is due to expire on Saturday 10 May (from 31 March). Sec was asked to write to all plotholders who had not paid, to confirm that their tenancy would be terminated if payment was not received within 40 days.
Derrell Road –
· 8A - tenants appear to be out of contact. Plot can be relet.
· 15 – letter 1 required
· 16b – letter 1 required
· 20 – Chairman had started to clear the brambles as plotholder had been unable to work due to poor health. Plotholder was now back on site, but there was still a lot of overgrowth to be cleared. Plotholder is very keen to keep the plot.
Chairman reported that work had started on a number of plots, but several had not been cultivated.
Lower Penns –
· 19 – letter 1 as uncultivated. Also plot subs not paid.
· 3c – plot paid for but there did not appear to be any cultivation going on.
· 16 – no contact from plotholder following last month’s letter. Plot is now extremely overgrown. Also, rent has not been paid, so termination letter to be sent.
· 41/42 – the plots have been strimmed but not cultivated. Sec has been asked to write to plotholder indicating that Committee are minded to threaten to take one plot back if no cultivation is seen as it was unfair that 2 large plots were tied up without any cultivation.
9 AOB – none
10.Date of next meeting to be held on Monday 2 June 2014 @ 7.30pm at the ROAB Club (OPEN MEETING).
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm