Present: Keith Parker, Jane Parker, May Burgess, Alan Burgess, Flis Cotton, Liz Barnes, Alan Smith, Gary Buckingham, Neil Shaw, Christine Guiver, Phillip Moore, Pat Marriott
The Chairman, Keith Parker, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1 Apologies: none
2 Minutes of the previous meeting, held on Weds 6 June, were agreed
3 Matters Arising from the Minutes:
· Numbers on plots, keep on agenda. Simple small wooden posts with numbers on them would be suitable and helpful to identify each plot. (although no decision was made as to who would do these – plotholders ?)
4 Correspondence:
Note from Jenny Board that she has 2 x water tanks, 1 x dustbin + lots of carpet offcuts to get rid of, or will be put on freecycle website in a week, email her at [email protected]
5 Chairman’s Report:
- Scope of the Insurance cover: the site toilets were covered as they are allotment society buildings.
- The Asset Register – has now been found and will be updated. It was agreed that assets are to be written off over 3 years.
- Notices being put on plots without permission. – monitor position although no reported problems.
- There had been a complaint from a householder at the bottom of the plot where the caravan is (Oakleigh) as rubbish was being piled up at the bottom of the plot. Alan Smith agreed to speak to plotholder.
- Gareth and Holly’s presentation from last month were discussed and the availability of a plot or part of a plot. No agreement was reached but leaflets distributed and all would monitor position.
6 Vice Chairman’s Report:
Work had been delayed on the start of the toilet due to bad weather. Hoping to start as soon as the weather improved.
7 Treasurer’s Report:
- Current Account: £47.07; Deposit Account: £3,381.01.
- Allotment fees received to date: £2,541.46.
- Plotholders who have not yet paid – no letters required.
- Cheques this month to: (none)
8 Sites:
Derrell Road
- 1 – plotholder was unwell, someone was helping, keep on Agenda. Send letter 1 asking what his intentions are.
- 4 – send letter re: lack of cultivation. Expressing concern re: weed growth/seed distribution.
- Dirty plot letters to: 5a, 5b, 8 (re pigeons – sent last month) 10b, 14a, 17a – Jim.
- Dirty plot letters to: 25b.
- The whereabouts of the Council’s Tree Surgeon report was questioned. Christine would make enquiries and Flis would email Jenny. Responsibility for the trees if they damaged property or crops was discussed (Council’s) Chairman to look at report and discuss with reps when he has received this.
- New Gate – fitting of gate to be discussed at the next meeting. Enquiries to be made as to who would fit.
- 10: keep on Agenda – dirty plot letter. (Pete).
- 14b , keep on Agenda.
- Repairs to water pipe still required. BW Plumbing possibly to do work – to be discussed at next meeting.
- Dirty plot letters to: 7a, 7b.
- 3a dog poo and bottles – ongoing problem. Continue to monitor the position.
- 30a/b + 33b offered. Keys to be given to them asap.
- Water being left on – keep watching out for this.
- Loo – Gary Buckingham to obtain price for materials from work and let chairman know.
· Proposed parking restrictions around St Michaels? All plans in this regard had been stopped or scrapped so there would be no need to utilise any plots for car parking.
· Pat Marriott (Oakleigh) suggested advertising allotment equipment that was available as some people had no idea of what was available or the terms on which it could be borrowed. Decided not to put notice on noticeboards due to possibility of general public reading. Secretary agreed to make all newcomers aware of equipment available and to tell them to ask site reps if they wanted to borrow.
· Christine Guiver (Lower Penns) asked about changing the tenancy agreement to include that tenants should look after the plot as far as the hedge. Chairman said that if TA to be amended, this would have to be done by byelaw at AGM. Possibility of opening a can of worms by giving extra space, so it was decided to leave alone and monitor position.
· Alan Smith to provide padlocks for allotment shed (Derrell Road). Some equipment stored in the toilet had unfortunately been stolen.
· Shelving required for the shed to maximise space. Alan Burgess/Keith Parker to bear in mind.
· The strimmer must be kept in the shed at all times with committee members to oversee its’ use. Plotholders must supply own petrol or pay for it to be refilled. New strimmer wire required – possibility of buying online as wire is unusually thick. Enquiries to be made and to be discussed next month.
9 Date of next Meeting: Open Meeting to be held on Monday 6 August 2012 at 7.30pm at the ROAB Club
The meeting finished at 20.30.