The vice chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Kay Mason, Flis Cotton, Jackie Green, Pat Marriott, Alan Smith, Phil Moore, Jodi White.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- 3b Derrell is the only plot not yet paid for (see site list). Sec has sent letter in the post – plotholder has replied that she really wants to keep the plot, but there has been so much to do since her father died, she just has not got round to dealing with it. She will pay by return (sec sent another tenancy agreement) and she promised to start clearing.
4. Correspondence:
- Usual requests to join waiting list – all replied to
- Letter from plotholder on 16a DR – sec to respond
5. Chairman’s Report:
- None as not present
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Stefan and the Sec have made contact with NAS and all correspondence has been provided to vice chairman. To be discussed at the next meeting.
- Chairman has reported that TOR2 are looking into the wall issue at Batson Gardens.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting, but sent account details:
- Monies in bank:
- Current account: £853.29
- Deposit account: £3,662.15
- Cheques:
- SW Water - LP water bill - £109.71
8. Sites:
- Derrell Road
- 3b – Sec has sent a letter in the post – no reply as yet
- 16a – very poor condition – letter 1 as exceptionally overgrown
- Oakleigh
- 14b – growing on to path – please cut back
- 15b, 27b, 37a - letters
- 29b – terminate letter?
- 36 ?
- 3b – ask intentions?
- 41a – storage of non- allotment items on site (again) – please remove
- Lower Penns
- 1a – please remove rubbish
- 19a and 20b – letters sent in the post asking them to give up as emails bounced back – no reply yet – termination notice to be sent
- 5b – will be having chickens – email to notify no cockerels allowed
9. AOB:
- President will be judging plots this month – he has been informed that 41a are dumping pots at the site.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- To be held on Monday 5 August 2019 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8:10pm.