The Vice Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Keith & Jane Parker, Christine Guiver.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- GDPR – several more plotholders had replied, although there were still in excess of around 10 from each site (possibly due to them not having email). Sec provided site reps with list of those who had not responded.
- Racist comments complaint at lower penns – Sec had emailed complainant to say that plotholder concerned was happy to apologise if he had caused offence. Being dealt with by the Chairman who was not present at the meeting.
4. Correspondence:
- Sec has received an email from a member of the public offering potted trees and a greenhouse. All emails had been passed on to the person concerned for him to deal with. We can presume that the greenhouse and trees have all been taken now as sec has not heard from him again.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- None as not present.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- There are still seeds for sale on the Oakleigh site – please contact Alan Smith or contact us.
- Green manure also available.
- A reminder that the barbecue is on 18th August at around 11.30 on the Oakleigh site.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Treasurer not present.
8. Sites:
- Derrell Road
- 19 - letter 3 - terminate.
- Oakleigh
- 35a/b - plots not been worked - letter 2.
- 41 - letter as no cultivation.
- Lower Penns
- 1a - letter as no cultivation.
- 21a - letter 1.
- 19a and 20a - no cultivation - letters.
9. AOB:
- There are gaps in the wall on LP by the gate. Repairs may be required but it would be a specialist job. Please take great care if driving a vehicle on to the site through the gate. Situation to be monitored.
- The vice-president Joe Wallis had visited all three sites and judged the plots on their condition. He has adjudicated as follows:
- Derrell Road:
- 1st place: Plot 1 - "this tenant has worked miracles since taking over the plot. What a pleasure to see someone who is enthusiastic to gardening".
- 2nd place: Plot 18
- 3rd place: Plot 5b
- Oakleigh:
- 1st place: Plot 3a
- 2nd place: Plot 26
- 3rd place: Plot 30a
- 1st place: Plot 3a
- Lower Penns:
- 1st place: Plot 16a
- 2nd place: Plot 9
- 3rd place: Plot 10a
- The vice president concluded: "There were quite a number of plots that could have gained these positions, but gained ‘highly commended’, too many to number. My overall observation of all three sites is quite a number of tenants have improved since last year, but there are still quite a number of plots that need strimming and a good tidying up. I will leave this to the site reps to disclose who they are".
- Derrell Road:
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- To be held on Monday 3rd September 2018 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 7.55pm.