The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Jackie Green, Andrew Bibbings, Melanie Philpott, Libby Luke.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting in August 2021 were read and agreed.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- The pond on 26b LP has been refilled with plants by the new plotholder. It was discussed and agreed that in the light of this, no further action be taken.,
- The summer BBQ has been arranged (19 September) and posters have been put up across every site. The posters did not make it clear, but the invitation to attend was for members of PHGAS/plot holders only
4. Correspondence:
- A plotholder on Derrell Road has kindly repaired the floor of the shed/toilet block. An invoice for materials was presented amounting to £46.70 and it was agreed that this was to be paid with thanks.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- Chairman reported that winter broad beans are available – please see Stefan on LP site, or contact us.
- It was discussed whether to designate a compost area at the top of the Oakleigh path as there was a large space that is unusable for anything else. This was going to be reviewed and the specific space looked at to see if it was viable. To be discussed.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- None – not present
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Treasurer not present but provided account balances
- Current account: £3,659.93
- Deposit account: £2,368.40
8. Site Reports:
- Derrell Road
- None
- Oakleigh
- Letters:
- 3b
- 7b
- 9a
- 29b
- 31
- 33a
- 41a
- 42a
- A plot holder has kindly agreed to repair the Oakleigh toilet.
- Letters:
- Lower Penns
- 7b - Terminate lease as plot holder has not been seen since taking over the plot and no clearance has been undertaken
- 7b - Terminate lease as plot holder has not been seen since taking over the plot and no clearance has been undertaken
- All sites
- We are all responsible for our own rubbish and please dispose of it properly without dumping it elsewhere on the site.
- We have had reports of produce being stolen – please can we be vigilant for strangers on the sites.
- We are all responsible for our own rubbish and please dispose of it properly without dumping it elsewhere on the site.
9. AOB:
- The siting of next year’s annual bonfire on Lower Penns road was discussed as there are no available plots to start building up the wood. The position is to be monitored. It was thought that all sites could be tidied and where possible, rubbish burned as there should not be any surplus metalwork on site now. Burning rubbish would of course avoid the need to hire a skip and thus no costs would be incurred. It was stressed that the wind conditions must be right so as to avoid any complaints from neighbours.
- The AGM will be held next month - please could any items to be discussed be emailed or passed to the secretary or a committee member at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
10. Date of next meeting (AGM):
- To be held on Monday 4 October at 7.30 pm at the RAOB Club (sec will be unable to attend – sends apologies).