The Chairman, Keith Parker, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1 Apologies: Alan Smith, Christine Guiver, Charlie Jarvis.
2 Minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 3 September, were read. And agreed. .
3 Matters Arising from the Minutes:
· Numbers on plots: the need for 100 posts and caps was discussed. It was confirmed that this number was about right to cover all the plots. Treasurer proposed a motion to go ahead and buy them, seconded by secretary. Secretary agreed to email site maps to each site rep, together with names of each plot holder, so each plot could be marked out.
· Lower Penns water mains issue? any leaks to report?
· Oakleigh toilet – see any other business
4 Correspondence:
· No dirty plot letters were sent last month – only letters re unpaid fees.
Derrell Road: 4 – plotholder said cheque was sent but it had never been presented. A cheque for £50 had now been received to cover both last year and next year. It was agreed that there is no facility to pay by standing order as this would be difficult to monitor.
8: a new tenancy agreement had been sent, with no response again. Plotholder had been given enough chances, secretary agreed to send a letter to terminate.
21+22 – payment now received.
5 Chairman’s Report:
· Following the Secretary and Chairman’s meeting with Ian Williams, Torbay Council, about ‘complaints’ received re: Derrell Road, the chairman is to arrange a meeting with the carer to confirm that he could not just take over the plot and would have to wait until he came to the top of the waiting list. Secretary agreed to send a letter to plotholder allowing 28 days to respond or tenancy would be terminated as he did not appear to be working it at all.
6 Vice Chairman’s Report:
· Nothing to report as absent.
7 Treasurer’s Report:
- Current Account: £19.27. Deposit Account: £2761.70.
- Allotment fees received to date: £.-
- Plotholders who have not yet paid – now all accounted for with plots either paid or terminated.
- 1 Cheque this month – SWWater – Lower Penns £212.24
Derrell Road
- 1 – (keep on Agenda)
- 5b – ok to relet now
- 8 - terminate as no payment received
- 10b – wants a meeting to discuss site if committee is going to keep sending letters. Secretary agreed to pass contact details of plotholder to chairman to arrange.
- 14a – sec waiting to relet
- 17a – now taken over by 17c plotholder. Sec waiting to relet 17c.
- (so waiting to relet DR: 5b, 14a, 17c, but as no numbers on plots, not sure which is which!)
- 10: now being cultivated.
- 14a – plotholder twisted ankle back in September – may give up if cant get back into it. (Progress?)
- 14b keep on Agenda. Being tidied now?
- 3a dog poo and bottles – ongoing problem – keep on agenda
- Water being left on – keep watching out for this. (keep on agenda)
· Keep notifying newcomers about PHGAS equipment available to borrow (sec) (Keep on agenda)
· The cost of a Honda Strimmer for Lower Penns was discussed at £400+. Chairman expressed concern at this outlay as it brought funds close to the reserve, although new plot funds would be coming in within the next 4 months or so.
Gary Buckingham agreed to make enquiries at work for prices.
· Chairman raised the issue of the toilet at Oakleigh. As no progress had been made due to weather etc, he suggested it may be more cost effective to get a large shed rather than to build a toilet. Investigations to be made as to costs and Joe Wallis said he would look for a leaflet he had recently received about obtaining a grant for such a project. To be discussed.
· Joe Wallis also confirmed that he had sent a letter to the RAOB club about PHGAS having the meeting room every Monday next year again. Their meeting will be next Monday (12th) and he was hopeful that we would hear next week that this was confirmed.
· Chairman raised the issue of chicken pellets and how many would we need? The cost was calculated per pallet and there are 55 bags on each pallet.
A full pallet worked out at £6.40+VAT per bag =£7.68 (same as last year).
½ pallet would be £6.95+VAT per bag =£8.34.
This is due to transportation costs to the supplier are the same whether a full or half pallet is supplied. Delivery within 4-5 days. Required in January 2013. To be discussed further.
9 Date of next Meeting: Open Meeting to be held on Monday 3 December 2012 at 7.30pm at the ROAB Club.
The meeting finished at 8.15 pm.