The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Liz Barnes, Pat Mariott, Christine Guiver, Pat Messenger, Tracey Clarke.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- Council has inspected the trees across the 3 sites. Several of the trees need remedial work. The tree surgeons are to prepare a report for the council and so we will wait to hear on this.
- South West Water – the Society is paying a slight premium on usage to cover monthly readings of the water meter by SWW on Lower Penns. Chairman received an estimated bill for £2,500 and another for £4,500. These were queried - the Chairman read the meter and submitted these to SWW. A new bill has been reissued for £42.
- The hedges on Derrell Road adjacent to the road and the park have been cleared.
- The gate code on Derrell Road has been compromised and it has been agreed that it must be changed. Sec is to email all on DR site with the new code and this will be changed with effect from Monday 9 October.
4. Correspondence:
- None.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- See matters arising (above).
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- The padlock on the gate at Oakleigh comes apart when it is unlocked and it needs to be changed. The vice chairman agreed to see if he could arrange a replacement , or it was suggested that this is discussed if a face to face meeting is arranged with the Council to discuss the new leases.
- The Oakleigh strimmer is broken again – but it can still be used. Please could plotholders see a committee member before borrowing and returning so they can be shown the fault in the machine.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Current account: £87.50
- Deposit account: £2,469.50
- Cheques:
- Flis – stationery and stamps (for year) £99.13
- Keith – fuel for machine £10.40
- S W Water – lower penns £42.42
- Treasurer reported that the Society funds were looking quite healthy at the moment which is good as January bills will have to be paid – insurance etc.
8. Sites:
- The general condition of plots across the sites was discussed and it was agreed that before the new leases are sent out for next year (around Feb), we need to identify plots where no work has been done for a while.
- The plotholder would then be contacted to ask if they want the lease to be renewed as little commitment has been shown to date.
- If necessary, the lease could then be terminated prior to the new season.
Derrell Road
- 6a Termination letter sent 1.11.15 by post – asking for plot to be cleared by 8.11.15.
Lower Penns
- 20b Still to let.
- 13 Sec to check status
- 15b Vacant plot to be let.
- 30b Plotholder has broken wrist – apologises for condition of plot
- 41/42 Society is disappointed with the condition of the plot after agreement had been reached with the plotholder that he would work the site. Sec to write to him to confirm that the lease would be terminated in December if no progress was made before then.
9. AOB:
- None
10. Date of next Committee Meeting:
- To be held on Monday 7 December 2015 @ 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8pm.