The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Jackie Green, Liz Barnes.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- No action on the metal gate on 21 and 22 DR. Chairman has agreed to go and have a look and see what will be required – posts and/or gates.
- Man with van has not yet been arranged as Oakleigh site is still collecting rubbish.
4. Correspondence:
- None
5. Chairman’s Report:
- Chairman has reported that there are still plenty of broad beans left. It is not too late to put them in the ground. Please see Alan on Oakleigh, or contact us.
- The seed shop on the Oakleigh St Michaels site will be selling seeds again in January.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- N/A
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Monies in Bank
- Deposit account - £2,925.48
- Current account £303.35
- Monies received £306.00
- Cheques:
- SW Water Lower Penns - 100354 - £108.36
- Keith Parker - 100355 - £7.03
- Alan Smith - Seeds and rat poison - 100357 - £28.92
8. Sites:
- Derrell Road
- Disabled plot beds are falling apart and need to be dismantled. Plot is to be let on the basis that it is not a disabled plot.
- Treasurer Jackie proposed a vote of thanks to Gary on Derrell Road for all his help in dismantling the sheds at Derrell Road and it was agreed that his help had been invaluable.
- Disabled plot beds are falling apart and need to be dismantled. Plot is to be let on the basis that it is not a disabled plot.
- Oakleigh
- No inspection this month.
- All plotholders apart from 9 had replied to letters.
- Lower Penns
- 1a – letter 1
- 21a – letter 2
9. AOB:
- Andrew Bibbings reported that Tuckers seeds will cease trading on Christmas Eve. The Society will try to support Kings as suppliers as they are affiliated to NAS.
- Seed prices are attached and can be sent upon request at any time.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- No meeting in January.
- To be held on Monday 4th February 2019 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club. All welcome.
Meeting closed at 8:05pm.