Apologies: Lynne Gibson, Jodie White, Philip Moore.
As recently appointed Chairman, Steve Blair opened the meeting by thanking all new members of the committee for taking up their new post and for the existing committee members for continuing to support the society. The committee members were then asked to introduce themselves to the meeting.
The Chairman then set the scene for the meeting by describing Allotment use, past, present and future.
The Allotments Act 1908 required Councils to provide land to grow food if there was a demand. During the First War that demand boomed to 1.5 million plots. The Second War "Dig for Victory" campaign prompted a further surge.
However, the 1960s saw a decline following the ending of rationing and the mass production of cheaper food. As a result, as plots became vacant, some people took on a second or third one.
In case you wondered, a full plot measures 10 poles (or rods) which is about 250m2.
Incidentally, we charge £42 however, the Council run allotments in Exeter cost £84, Plymouth charge £181 and Bath over £200 so there is great variation across the country.
Today, allotment gardening is becoming more popular but now it’s a hobby rather than a necessity. Most newcomers are content with half a plot or even less so as sites become available we sub divide them into manageable units.
Perhaps it timely for those with full plots or multiple plots to consider if they still have the vitality and enthusiasm to continue to keep them well cultivated or if they wish to return some land to the Committee for the 100-plus people on our waiting list to get started.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting 2nd September 2024 were noted and agreed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes and AGM:
- Tree at Oakleigh
- Torbay Council need map, photographs and concise description of the issue before they will process. Oakleigh site reps are to provide this for the secretary to populate the online Tree contact form on Council website. The documents are in the possession of Brian Coles and the secretary will ask for them to be sent through to her so the application to have them attended to be lodged.
- Request for an additional water tap at Oakleigh
- Costing for the materials had been prepared by the plot holder making the request this was reported as £68. Whilst the materials cost is low the committee concluded that the overall project involved a considerable amount of trenching which was not that straight forward and as the labour is not available without employing a contractor it would be overall expensive. The offer was made to reimburse the plot holder for a dual tap connector to reduce the probability of the existing tap being in use when they needed it.
- Request for committee to buy in bulk compost
- It was decided this was not practical because there is a lack of storage space and also it a reliance on a few barrowing many bags across site. However, the secretary agreed to contact Otter Nurseries and Longcombe Cross Nursery to ask if a discount scheme can be set up for plot holders.
2. Correspondence:
- There is a lot of ongoing correspondence on behalf of site reps and plotholders regarding site specific issues taking place. Enquiries and dirty plot letters are being issued between meetings as site inspections take place.
- There have been 5 more requests to join the waiting list. The secretary is continuing to pass applicants on to York Road, 4 have taken up plots there, so our list remains at about 130.
- The secretary would like to request that any plot holders not intending to keep their plots on next year please let us know now ahead of the re-issuing of tenancy agreements. This saves a great deal of admin time and gives new tenants a good chance to clear plots over the winter and get ready for next spring. Also, anyone struggling with the size or number of plots please let us know.
- A complaint from a plot holder about the use of general emails was briefly discussed, they feel offended being tarred with the same brush as those guilty of the subject matter. The feeling of the meeting was that site reps and secretary spend a lot of time chasing plotholders who are not acting in the communal interest or abiding by the regulations. A general mail is a useful efficient way to get a message out quickly and those who are happy it does not apply to them are free to ignore it.
3. Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman opened the meeting with his report, please see above.
4. Vice Chairman’s Report
- No report
5. Treasurer’s Report
- Opening Balance - £7,477.50
- Paid Out
- Bank Charges - £5.00
- Water Penns RD - £13.05
- B&Q - £14.15
- Kings Seeds - £496.03
- Pallet delivery - £15.00
- TOTAL - £543.23
- Paid In
- Subs - £21.00
- Seed sales - £571.80
- Chicken Manure - £12.00
- Pellets bfb - £90.00
- Broad Beans - £2.50
- TOTAL - £697.30
- Closing Balance - £7,631.57
- Cash - £18.90
6. Site Reports
- Derrell Road
- A big thank you to Greg for all his hard work whilst volunteering as one of our site reps (in particular for our lovely little orchard) Also a big welcome to Stephen who has come on board as our new site rep, many thanks for volunteering.
- DR is fully occupied, but we do have a couple of plots which have been under cultivated for a while. These plot holders will receive a polite reminder to undertake work to rectify this before the early spring site inspection so as to avoid further action being taken.
- Unfortunately, despite an email being sent regarding the inappropriate use of the bonfire site and the request for removal of offending items, the compostable materials still remain. As this behaviour is not deemed to be acting in a community focused manner, the site reps reserve the right to ask the culprit, if identified, to resign their plot.
- Oakleigh
- A swap of allotments has taken place to resolve two ongoing issues.
- Currently 3 vacant plots, 2 are ready to be filled and this is in progress. One plot holder still in the process of moving so will be available soon.
- A site inspection took place last week and as a result a number of dirty plot letters will be issued in addition to others being contacted to clarify their intentions with regard to future use of their plots. A general email was also sent all plot holders asking them to tidy up their plots and remove any rubbish.
- The site reps raised some concerns about the derelict buildings on plots 1 and 2, which pose a hazard. The plot holder agreed to make them safe. The discussion continued regarding the fact the site is predominantly half plots and those with multiple plots could consider if they are able to continue to keep them fully cultivated.
- Lower Penns
- A number of plot holders have been contacted to confirm their intention to use their allotments fully next year. All responded positively and this will continue to be monitored by the site reps.
- Andy Bibbings has continued to inspect the site boundaries and infill gaps as necessary to improve security.
- Most plot holders have taken steps to clear and tidy their site for the winter.
- There was some minor damage due to the recent stormy weather, plot holders were alerted and have made safe blown material/ structures.
7. AOB
- Derrick Went had agreed to coordinate updating the website however he has had no response to his emails to the webmaster. The secretary is to contact the webmaster to ascertain if the preference is to give Derrick Went the editing rights to maintain the website.
- There is a section of Oakleigh boundary wall that has collapsed adjacent to Baston Gardens. Derrick Went agreed to complete the online Council webform to get this attended to.
8. Date of Next Committee Meeting
- To be held on March 3rd 2025