Apologies: Christine Guiver, Ann Manning
President Joe Wallis welcomed all to the AGM meeting. He thanked the Secretary for all her work over the year. He noted the Chairman Brian Coles was now stepping down and thanked him for his service over the last two years and also thanked Adrian Beal who is also stepping down as site representative at Oakleigh.
1. Minutes of the last AGM held on Monday 6th November 2023 were agreed.
2. Chairman’s Report
- As another year draws to a close, we can look back on 2024 as a year of mixed fortunes. As for the weather my impression was that it was cooler and wetter than previous years, and this obviously affected the results of our efforts. We did well with broad beans earlier in the year and managed to escape a blackfly infestation – autumn seeding does reduce the risk of it. The spring was quite cold and this delayed a lot of the planting, but we managed to get a healthy crop of runner and French beans, along with cabbages and courgettes. Slugs and snails were a problem due to the wet weather, and of course we are now limited on the slug bait that we can use nowadays. Other crops such as tomatoes were a disappointment.
- We have welcomed in some new plotholders – some are quite industrious with their organisation and efforts, but others not quite as active and enthusiastic. When they are confronted with the work needed to maintain an allotment, the enthusiasm soon fades. Perhaps TV gardening programmes make it look too easy.
- As you are probably now aware, I am stepping down from the Chairman’s post, due to health reasons. I must say that I have enjoyed the last couple of years, but it is time for somebody else to step in and, hopefully, keep improving the running of the Society.
- Good luck all of you for the coming year ahead.
3. Vice Chairman’s Report
- The Vice Chairman had nothing to add.
4. Treasurer’s Report
- Opening Balances
- Deposit Account - £2,412.52
- Current Account - £5,282.55
- Cash in hand - £165.00
- Paid Out
- NSALG subs - £429.00
- Insurance - £549.99
- Shop/ seeds - £362.82
- Bank charges - £72.54
- SWW Lower Penns - £441.38
- SWW Oakleigh - £593.77
- Repairs/ maintenance - £700.22
- Total - £3,149.72
- Paid In
- Subs/ Key Deposits - £4,686.50
- Shop/ seed sales - £552.30
- Total - £5,238.80
- Closing Balances
- Deposit Account - £2,448.20
- Current Account - £7,477.50
- Cash in hand - £58.00
- The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the meeting.
5. Election of Officers 2024/2025
- The current Chairman Brian Coles is standing down. The Society wish to thank him for all is work over the last two years.
- The remaining committee members except for 2 site rep posts at Oakleigh i.e., Brian Coles and Adrian Beal are happy to continue in post.
- The secretary confirmed nominations received as being one for Chairman Steve Blair and two for Oakleigh site representatives Lynne Gibson and Derrick Went.
- Voting took place and those present duly appointed Steve Blair as the new Chairman. Lynne Gibson and Derrick Went were also appointed as site representatives for Oakleigh.
- It was agreed Steve Blair would also continue as Vice President.
- Committee Members are confirmed as:
- President Joe Wallis
- Vice President Steve Blair
- Chairman Steve Blair
- Vice Chairman Alan Smith
- Treasurer Jodie White
- Secretary Lorraine Montgomery
- Site Representatives
- Derrell Road: Steve Blair, Jacqueline Green, 2 Vacancies to be filled
- Oakleigh:, Pat Marriot, Gary Buckingham, Lynne Gibson, Derrick Went
- Lower Penns: Andy Bibbings, Christine Guiver, Phillip Moore
- Wildlife Officer: Hadyn Mudford
- It was also noted that Derrick Went has volunteered to work with the Web Master to update the Societies Website. The secretary is to put the Web Master and Derrick in contact.
6. Representatives of Other Organisations
- Joe Wallis reported that the SW branch of the National Vegetable Society has disbanded due to lack of interest. The funds have been transferred to the South division and will be held available for 5 years if there is interest to re-form it. Joe Wallis will remain in contact with the South division.
7. Any Other Business
- Two items had come forward from plot holders:
- A request that the committee consider buying in compost in bulk,
- A request that consideration be given to installing an additional tap at the lower end of Oakleigh.
- It was decided both these items required more investigation and should be discussed at the next monthly meeting.
- A brief discussion took place to review how effective new measures introduced at the last AGM had been over the year:
- Enforcing the 2 month probation period – this had been done and was agreed to have been effective.
- Regular inspections taking place and initiating action between meetings – this had been happening and had been effective in speeding up actions with plot holders.
- Plotholders initiating contact with the society when issues with looking after their plot – this has been taking place but was worth emphasising again to all.
- Reducing dirty plot letters to 2
- Enforcing the 2 month probation period – this had been done and was agreed to have been effective.
- it was agreed to reduce the warning/ dirty plot letter from 3 to 2 per tenancy year, before a termination letter will be issued. The first letter will give 4 weeks to make a significant improvement and the second will give only 2 weeks. In place and to be continued
- List of banned items was introduced reflecting Torbay Councils items needing to be paid for disposal. This had been effective in greatly reducing the unwanted materials being brought onto sites, in particular on Oakleigh.
- Joe Wallis thanked everyone for their participation and continued support of the society.
8. Date of next meetings:
- Next AGM is October 6th 2025
- Next monthly meeting is December 2nd 2024
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.