The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Stefan Philpott, Jodi White, Pat Marriott.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting in February were not produced as they were handwritten by the Chairman who was not present in April.
3. Matters arising from the minutes: -
- N/A see above
4. Correspondence:
- Sec has received an email from a resident around the Derrell Road area asking if there is a cockerel on site as it keeps waking them up by crowing in the early mornings. Committee were aware that there used to be one on site, but the owner had been told to remove it. Site rep said she would investigate as to who was keeping chickens, so they could be contacted.
- Sec had received an email from site rep of Derrell Road (Steve – not present) with photos of number 4 Derrell Road. This plot is now derelict and in urgent need of a lot of work as none has been done for a long time – far more than just strimming etc.. Sec was aware that the plotholders had paid for the coming year and it was agreed that the position would be monitored and dirty plot letters would be sent every 2 weeks if no progress was made in clearing the plot. Treasurer confirmed that if they agreed to give the plot up now, then a refund for the plot fees could be made to them by cheque. With the waiting list as long as it is, the lack of maintenance could not be allowed to continue.
- Pat Marriott (Oakleigh) spoke to sec prior to the meeting as she was unable to attend due to Covid, and wanted the issue of the apple (and plum?) trees on her plot that were lopped without her permission to be discussed. She did not feel the matter was resolved at the last meeting and wanted to know what the Society’s policy would in future be, in respect of taking matters into their own hands and lopping trees without permission from the plotholder.
- This was discussed at the meeting and it was thought that Pat had agreed to cut the trees back in the previous 2 years, but nothing had been done, hence the work was done for her. Pat provided valid reasons why the work had not been done and it was agreed that in future, maybe written notice would be given to the plotholder about the remedy the Society were seeking re: cutback of trees, together with a timeframe by which the work was to be done. If not completed within that time, then the Committee would be able to take control and arrange to do the work themselves. Communication with the plotholder being the key.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- Not present
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Nothing to report as he wasn’t aware he would be chairing the meeting
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Monies in the bank:
- Current account - £5,028.49
- Deposit account - £2,368.75
- Total - £7,397.24
- Current account - £5,028.49
- Income:
- Plot fees received (cash and cheques) - £1,290.50
- Plot fees received (direct banking) - £1,417.88
- Shop sales - £80.00
- Total - £2,788.38
- Outgoings:
- Gary B (site keys) - £40.00
- SW Water (L Penns site) - £33.28
- Total: £73.28
8. Site Reports:
- Derrell Road
- 4 - untended – photos provided – start letter 1 or another growing season would be lost
- 4 - untended – photos provided – start letter 1 or another growing season would be lost
- Oakleigh
- 3b - letter 1, no cultivation
- 11b - no clearance/cultivation
- 13b - no clearance/cultivation
- 15b - no clearance/cultivation
- 33a - no clearance/cultivation but plot holder had indicated his intentions to clear when well again
- 41a - no clearance/cultivation
- Lower Penns
- 10a - no cultivation
- 21 - boxes by toilet must be moved or they will rot the wood of the toilet shed.
9. AOB:
- The overgrown hedge on the entrance path at Oakleigh was discussed and it was suggested that a working party of volunteers be arranged to cut back. It was decided that in view of the nesting season being underway, it was too late for this and so it would have to wait.
- There had been an incident at 6a Oakleigh which left a plotholder feeling very uncomfortable. There was talk that a business may be being operated from the plot and this would not be allowed under the terms of the agreement. Site reps agreed to keep the activity and visitors to the site under review.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- To be held on Monday 6th June 2022 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 7:55pm.