The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Phil Moore, Flis Cotton, Pat Messenger, Liz Barnes.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- The Lower Penns strimmer had been relocated to plot 21b and members wishing to use should contact Andrew Bibbings.
4. Correspondence:
- Martin Taylor plot 16a Derrell Road notified he would be attending the BBQ and a supply of lettuce would be made if required.
- Letter received from the plot holder in response to a dirty plot letter. It outlined a domestic issue which should be resolved shortly and work on the plot will be resumed. It was decided this would be monitored and if not satisfactory the issue would be revisited after the AGM.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- The BBQ was a success and some 30 members attended. The work and initiative put in was amazing and on behalf of the members we would like to thank the following: Alan Smith, Pat & Steve Marriott, John Webber and Derrick & Jenny Went. Jenny supplied home-made bread rolls, Devon Splits and a Pavlova which I must say were all splendid.
6. Vice-Chairman’s Report:
- The matter of a supply of winter sown onions and garlic is still being investigated. Supplies are generally not available until the end of September, so we have time.
- He also thanked members for attending and John Webber for transporting the metal scrap which funded the BBQ. It was decided by committee that the society would fund and annual BBQ in the future.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Monies in bank:
- Current: £365.00
- Deposit: £3,872.17
- Paid out this month:
- 100295 - SW Water - £66.62
- 100296 - Jon Webber (Netting) - £49.12
8. Sites:
Derrell Road
- 13a – Termination letter sent. no response
- 11b – Letter of intent sent. Email of termination received.
- Inspection for September meeting:
- 6a - good clearance work being carried out. Removal of old shed and overgrown brambles.
- 10b - digging but no planting. Keep for next meeting after AGM.
- 11a - letter enquiring when they intend to start cultivation.
- 11b - has been re-let. Work has started.
- 13a - to be re-let.
- 14a - had been cultivated but becoming overgrown and untidy. Letter to find out if there is a problem.
- 15 - only a small amount of cultivation. chairman to speak with plotholder.
- 3c – notified intent to give up plot. Letter requesting removal of any items within 14 days of receipt.
- 11a – informed intent to give up this plot as soon as they have lifted the potato crop.
- 13b – covered in the correspondence section.
- Inspection for September meeting:
- 14b - send letter 1.
- 15a - giving up.
- 16b - send letter 1.
- 29a - giving up.
- 29b – domestic issues. Keep for next working meeting.
- 35a - send letter 1.
- 36b - send letter 1.
- 37b - send letter 1.
- 41b - send letter 1.
Lower Penns
- 24b – letter asking their intentions.
- Christine reported that she was still on the council's case about the trees. When on site the tree surgeon stated that more work needed to be done, but could not proceed without authority.
- Andrew reported that the gate post was still to be rectified and he would chase again.
9. AOB:
- Next meeting was the AGM and noticed for the sites were required re: Notices of Motions and 7 day lead time.
- The asset register should be updated and a stocktake should be completed.
- Christine said she would ask Phil to notify about LP stocks.
- Chairman and Vice Chairman would would do Oakleigh and Derrell Road.
- Joe Wallis reported that the meeting room had been double-booked for the Monday after the bank holidays, so it was decided to move the Easter and May meetings to the second Tuesday of those months. He said he would deal with the matter forthwith.
10. Date of next AGM:
To be held on Monday 2nd October at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm.