The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Pat Messenger, Kay Mason.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- Seed shop sales are down on last year. This was discussed and it was decided that it may be due to a combination of factors – the poor weather at the start of the season and the seeds being delivered a little late. There are still seeds available on Oakleigh.
- 23 Lower Penns – former plotholder is still chasing for the return of his belongings. After discussing with the new plotholder and chairman, Sec has replied to him. LP Site rep. reported that the hose is still on the plot, albeit practically buried in the long grass.
4. Correspondence:
- 17 DR - disabled plot has been relet but he is having difficulty gaining access as there is a car parked in front of the gate a lot of the time and he has been unable to get his mobility scooter around it. Chairman and other committee members reported that the car was always parked so as to allow access so they were not sure what the problem was.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- Chairman reported that a man with a van will shortly be needed again for the debris that had been collected from the plots on Derrell Road. The chairman proposed thanks to Steve and Suzanne Fry for collecting and burning all the wood on 13a Derrell Road and from the rubbish pile.
- A new Society mower is required. Chairman has patched the existing domestic mower for a number of years and it is no longer good enough to do the job. A replacement mower will need to be an industrial one, rather than a domestic one, in order to be good enough for the job. After discussion, it was agreed by the committee that as the Society had sufficient funds, the outlay could be made.
- Plastic matting has been purchased for the DR path at a cost of £297 including fixings. This will be done in the autumn as the path will need to be levelled to a degree, prior to laying it.
- We need to set a date for this year’s BBQ. Last year’s was funded by the sale of scrap metal but as this has not happened this year, the Society will need to fund it from the kitty. It was agreed that up to £150 could be set aside for this and a date will be arranged by next month’s meeting.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Seed sales are ongoing. There are also plenty of onions left, which unfortunately are perishable and so the Society may have to stand this loss. It was agreed that stock would need to be delivered earlier next year to maximise sales.
- Vice chairman also reported that there is plenty of netting, ground cover, chicken pellets and top dressing available for plotholders. Please contact us or see Alan Smith on plot 5, Oakleigh St Michaels.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Monies in bank:
- Current: £261.51
- Deposit: £5,323.21
- Rents received: £3,749
- Cash:
- Cobblers & cleaners - Keys - £35
- Chairman - Fuel - £12.83
- Chairman - strimmer parts - £2.80
- Cheques:
- Tyrrells - 100315 - Roofing felt LP - £32.48
- Jewsons - 100316 - Parts to repair water leak - £31.51
- SW Water - 100317 - DR water - £225.40
- Kings Seeds - 100318 - Seeds - £22.24
- SW Water - 100319 - LP water - £47.74
- Ultimate online - 100320 - DR path netting - £294.68
8. Sites:
- Termination notices are to be sent to plotholders who have not yet paid as the deadline has passed.
- 4 - available to relet.
- 10b - was discussed. Although plot is being strimmed, there is no cultivation aside from a few pots. Sec to write as in breach of tenancy agreement.
- 13a - plotholders are due some change, but they have not been seen at the site.
- 19 - emailed to ask him to clear. (He will try). Plot letters to be sent to terminate if not cleared by 19th.
- 33a - no cultivation yet - letter.
- 35a/b - not cleared/no work - sec to write.
- 41a - plot appears to be being used for storage. Breach of tenancy agreement. Sec to write as no insurance etc.
- 7b - very overgrown at bottom – still untidy – not enough clearance or planting.
9. AOB:
- Phil Moore proposed thanks to Christine Guiver for being tenacious with the Council and sorting out the trees on Lower Penns. They have now been felled/cut back properly.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- To be held on Monday 4 June 2018 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.