Apologies: Jodie White.
1. Minutes of the previous AGM November 6th 2023 noted and agreed.
2. Matters arising from the minutes
- Compost deliveries. A 6 yard skip load delivered Derrell Road 2/5/02 was gone by the end of the day. Oakleigh plot holders are unable to get a there quick enough to access it (see AOB).
- No further news on the grant application to SWW for water capture equipment.
- List of items to be banned from being brought onto PHGAS allotment sites to mirror those items that Torbay make a charge for disposing except for guttering and downpipes as they are useful for water capture. Banned items to include: asbestos, tyres, residual household waste, baths, sinks, hardcore and rubble, plasterboard, DIY waste.
3. Correspondence
- Correspondence has been very busy, lots of requests for updates on position on the list and new applicants. The waiting list is currently 125 people dating back to October 2021.
- The PHGAS Insurance was renewed January.
- NAS membership was renewed January.
- New tenancy agreements to go out at the end of February, so plotholders have a month to renew, new tenancy starts beginning of April 24.
4. Chairman’s Report
- After a seemingly long period of inactivity, it appears that the weather is being a little kinder and the ground is beginning to dry out. We have managed to get on our plot and have done some digging – the more done now means an easier job in the spring. Now is the time to start planning what to plant, and also the timetable.
- Shortly before Christmas, Adrian Beal and I visited Coastal in Exeter with approximately £50 worth of Christmas goodies for the Coastal staff, as agreed at our AGM. It turns out that the source of the compost is Coastal Organics in Exeter, and they were really pleased that we took the time and effort to bring a little Christmas spirit for them. Whilst we were there, we were shown around the operation and managed to ascertain the reason for their generosity. As a business model, I believe that most of their income is generated at the start of the operation, as the councils are charged to bring the garden and green waste to them. The material is then shredded, leaving all the bits of wood and plastics etc in the material, as this creates pockets of air, which is very necessary to the composting action. The material is piled into long heaps of approx 80 tons to begin the composting cycle of 12 to 14 weeks – this means 12 of these heaps as each pile is moved along the process each week of the cycle. Nothing is added to the process, as the composting action is a completely natural action. Towards the end of the 12 week cycle they have a machine that screens out the wood and material that has not broken down, and another machine that screens out any plastic debris left in the compost.
- I understand that the process generates heat of between 60° C to 80° C, which is enough to kill off any weed seed in the compost, even our beloved Oxalis. The compost is then tested for weed growth and the presence of any noxious chemicals – i.e. from some weedkillers. As they have very little storage space, then we are benefitting from the situation, and this is the main reason why we are getting supplies free of charge. If anybody needs any further information, please contact Brian Coles and not Coastal direct, as our policy is that the only PHGAS contacts that Coastal have are Lorraine Montgomery (ordering and delivery) and Steve Blair (delivery).
5. Vice Chairman’s Report
- Not present
6. Treasurer’s Report (sent before the meeting due to apologies)
- Opening balances
- Deposit account - £2,412.82
- Current account - £5,282.55
- Paid out
- Kings seeds - £362.82
- Bank charges - £19.80
- BC shed repair - £9.92
- LP water - £38.12
- GB pest control - £29.23
- BC Coastal compost - £50.00
- Key deposit return - £5.00
- Chris Knot Insurance - £549.99
- NSLGA - £429.00
- SB keys gate - £10.00
- TOTAL - £1,504.01
- Paid in
- Seed sales - £431.30
- Subs - £280.00
- Pellet sales - £65.00 (cash)
- TOTAL - £776..4
- Closing Balance - £4,489.94
7. Site Reports
- Derrell Road
- Since our last meeting one tenant decided to downsize to a smaller plot. The plot was in good condition and when we split it in half, both were quickly relet.
- Our other two vacant plots have now been taken despite one being left in a very poor state.
- We are fully occupied again and all new tenants have made pleasing progress.
- 10b has been issued with a dirty plot letter following several months in which Jackie was unsuccessful in encouraging her to make some meaningful cultivation. However site reps are pleased to report that good progress can now be seen on the plot following recent communications through the secretary.
- We have endured two lots of old roofing timber being dumped outside our gate uninvited. Whilst we suspect it may be a local resident we have no proof. If any plot holder can assist to identify the fly tipper we would be grateful to hear from them.
- The plan for the former bonfire site below plot 1 on DR is to make a small orchard area with dwarf apple and pear trees.
- The proposals and costings for this were presented by Greg Beale. This included 5 new fruit trees, tree stakes and ties, weed membrane at a cost of £165. It was suggested there was a need to have a raised surface to keep surplus free to take produce off the ground.
- All at the meeting were supportive of the proposals and agreed to the society meeting this cost to make use of the area for the communal good.
- Oakleigh
- A site inspection has recently taken place and will be happening on a monthly basis, a list of 5 plots requiring formal letters was passed to the secretary.
- Lower Penns
- Two plot holders have made contact this week to say they are giving up their plots regretfully but recognise they are unable to give the time and energy they require.
- A number of plots continue to be monitored and will be contacted this month ahead of new tenancy agreements being sent out if preparations for the coming season are not seen in the next couple of weeks.
- Generally the site is becoming busier with the improvement in the weather of late.
8. AOB
- It was agreed to send out a general email ahead of the minute to encourage plot holders to get preparations for the new season underway.
- A discussion regarding the how to get a compost delivers for Oakleigh plot holders took place . It was agreed to order a further delivery to DR and a larger load to LP for those who have not had any. Oakleigh plotholders with transport to be invited to collect from LP.
9. Date Of Next Committee Meeting
- To be held on Monday 4th March, 19:30 At The RAOB Club off Winner Street.
Meeting closed at 8.40pm.