The vice chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies:
- None
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- The leak has been repaired at LP
- 14b Oakleigh – was discussed and the committee expressed concern about the Society’s liability for uninsured visitors due to the plotholder holding BBq’s etc.. The adjoining plotholders have also raised many concerns about the permanence of the structures and there now seems to be a gazebo on the plot. It was acknowledged that the plotholder’s English is not that good and so another plotholder has agreed to speak with him in Polish about our concerns and ask what his intentions are regarding cultivation of the plot, rather than developing it.
- Phil Moore reported that a Petrol hedge trimmer will cost £150. It was discussed and agreed that it would be a good idea and so he will buy it on behalf of the Society.
4. Correspondence:
- Another email from 16a Derrell Road – sec replied that matter is considered closed and that if no work is done on the plot, dirty plot letters will be sent as per the tenancy agreement. The President indicated that in his opinion, the plotholder had technically relinquished his plot by saying in an email that he is not going to tend it.
The committee agreed that another dirty plot letter (2) was to be sent with a final termination letter (3) to be sent in 2 weeks time if no work on the plot had been done at all. It was discussed that ‘cultivation’ did not mean merely planting, but growing, keeping weeds down and generally keeping the plot tidy. - 1a and 1b can be relet as key has been surrendered in the post.
- 10b LP has requested to put a polytunnel on the plot. Discussed with LP site reps & notified plotholder ok.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- The Chairman has said that he has not heard from Torbay Council regarding inspecting the Batson Gardens Wall. He will chase this up in the hope of getting some action.
- Seeds are still available as is groundcover and netting. Please see Alan at plot 5 on Oakleigh.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Nothing to report – all going smoothly on LP and all plots are let.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
Monies in bank:
- Current account: £738.86
- Deposit account: £3,663.37
- SW Water – Lower Penns £204.23
- P Moore – Barrels on LP £40.00
8. Sites.
Derrell Road
- 13a – letter 2
- 16a – letter 2
- 29b – vacating plot as no time to cultivate
- 36 – plot in a terrible condition – see if we can contact plotholder
Lower Penns
- All plots now let
- 21a overgrown – monitor
9. AOB:
- The theft of produce across the sites has been reported to the Police. A crime reference number has been received. Please can all plotholders report any thefts of produce to the committee so the police can be notified. It was discussed that we may have to change the main lock on the site to a combination lock as plotholders leaving do not seem to be returning their keys.
- There has not been a summer BBQ this year and so it was agreed that one would be held on this Saturday 7th September on the Oakleigh site from around 11.30 onwards. Secretary has emailed all plotholders to inform them. Food will be provided – please bring a chair! Numbers in advance for catering would be good.
- President has judged the remaining plots this month so the overall results are:
- Many thanks to Joe for judging. This will be his final year of judging , due to other commitments.
- The AGM will be held next month - please could any items to be discussed be emailed or passed to the secretary or a committee member at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
10. Date of next committee meeting:
- AGM to be held on Monday 7th October 2019 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
Oakleigh | 16a | 28b | 16b |
Lower Penns | 27a | 16a | 8a |
Derrell Road | 3a | 12 | 5b |