The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies: Charlie Jarvis, Christine Guiver
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
- Sec has received a request from plotholder on 26b Lower Penns to be considered as a site rep. This was agreed gratefully and sec is to contact him to confirm.
- 11b DR plotholder had done a lot of work to his plot between letters 2 and 3 and so was to be allowed to keep his plot. It was agreed that if any further letters warrant being sent, plotholder would be on a final warning.
4. Correspondence:
- See above
- Sec has received replies to most dirty plot letters that had recently been sent. Most plotholders want to keep their plots and have not done work due to weather or for family or other reasons.
5. Chairman’s Report:
- The Society insurance has been put in place and the NAS affiliation fees have been paid.
- Seeds have been ordered and paid for. The ‘shop’ will be open for sale of seeds on Saturday 11 February between 9.30-12.30. Secretary agreed to email all plotholders to let them know that all seeds would be available at the Oakleigh site from Alan Smith. Correct money would be appreciated.
- There is a quantity of ground cover and pegs still available (see Alan).
- It was agreed to place an order for top dressing and chicken pellets again this season.
- A lot of work had been done on 1 Derrell Road as it was so overgrown and a lot of rubbish had accumulated over the years. It was discussed that the plot had never been properly cleared between past plotholders. Clearance and removal of the shed and greenhouse had all but doubled the size of the plot. A skip will be required at a cost of around £220, to remove the rubbish and it was discussed that there will still be 2 large chest freezers that have been there for many years that will need to be removed. Chairman agreed to make enquiries as to the cost of their removal, but thought that as PHGAS are considered a business, removal would be likely to be expensive.
- As the insurances had been paid, Secretary was asked to send the 2017/18 tenancy agreements out as soon as possible in order to boost Society funds. This will allow plotholders a little time to pay them as subs will be due by 31 March. Rents will stay the same with additional plotholders being charged £2 per head to cover the insurance.
- Secretary is to ask all plotholders to consider very carefully whether they want to renew their tenancy agreements.
6. Vice Chairman’s Report:
- Vice chairman asked Secretary to send out the seed list to all plotholders as soon as possible as he would be on the Oakleigh site selling them on Saturday (see Chairman’s report).
- Vice chairman asked whether it would be a good idea to order some netting for the shop. This could be sold at a cost of approx 60p per running metre. It was agreed that this would be a good idea.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
- Monies in bank:
- Current £553.45
- Deposit £1,571.49
- Cheques:
- Jewsons - Strimmer service - £34.20
- Jewsons - Locks - £11.74
- A Smith - Scales and ground cover - £86.23
- SW Water - Water Lower Penns - £10.10
- National Allot Soc. - Subs. - £480.00
- Shield Insurance - Insurance - £520.04
- SW Water - Water Lower Penns - £11.96
- Morrisons - Toilet rolls - £6.00
- A Smith - Seeds - £480.35
8. Sites:
- Site inspections across the 3 sites to be done before the next meeting.
- Chairman expressed his concern that work for the coming season had not started on some plots and that it really ought to start in March. If no work is seen to be done, secretary would be asked to send dirty plot letters.
9. AOB:
- Vice President reported that the Oakleigh hedge bordering the lane off St Michaels Road had been cut, (by the Council/Tor2?) but that boulders were coming out of the footings of the wall/hedge and on to the path. It was thought that this may possibly be tree root damage and Chairman agreed to inspect.
- Vice President said that he would be judging the plots across the sites between early to mid June this year as he was otherwise committed for the month of August.
10. Date of next OPEN meeting:
- To be held on Monday 6th March 2017 at 7.30pm at the RAOB Club. All are welcome to attend.
Meeting closed at 8:20pm.