The make-up of the committee remains broadly the same as last year after all sitting officers were nominated for re-election - apart from the secretary.
Keith Parker remains as chairman and Alan Burgess is vice-chairman.
The new secretary is Jenny Board, who will also continue to act as minutes secretary.
Colin Weymouth fills the vacant position of wildlife officer for the society, and investigations will be carried out to see if an officer can be appointed for each of the three sites.
No-one was elected to fill the posts of fundraising officer or social co-ordinater and the committee will fulfil these roles as a body for the time being.
Site representatives are Alan Burgess for Derrell Road, Gary and Anne for Oakleigh and Christine Guiver, Colin Weymouth and Phil Moore for Lower Penns.
The treasurer told the AGM the society's total income for the year had been £2,966.01 - made up of £2,561,16 in rent, 95p in bank interest and £403.90 from the sale of chicken pellets.
Expenditure had been £2,641.81 - the largest bill was £962.49 on water.
There were also bills for bank charges, a rent refund, stationery and postage, a telephone, chicken pellets, subscriptions and maintenance (£822.03).
The largest single project carried out by the society this year was the completion of the toilet at Lower Penns.
The society currently has £19.58 in its current account, £2,639 in its deposit account and £5.47 cash in hand.